Ko Nishino's Publications in Japanese
In reverse chronological order
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Book Chapter
- K. Nishino,
"Photometric Processing,"
in Handbook of 3D Imaging, M. Onoue, K. Ikeuchi and H. Hakura Eds.,
ISBN 4-254-20212-4 C3050, 2005.
- K. Nishino, K. Ikeuchi and Z. Zhang,
"Light Sources and Reflectance from a Sparse Set of
IPSJ Trans. on Computer Vision and Image Media,
vol.44, no.SIG 5 (CVIM 6), pp1-10, Mar., 2003.
- R. Sagawa, K. Nishino and K. Ikeuchi,
"Geometric and Photometric Integration System for Large
IPSJ Trans. on Computer Vision and Image Media,
vol.44, no.SIG 5 (CVIM 6), pp41-53, Mar., 2003.
- Y. Matsushita, K. Nishino, K. Ikeuchi and M. Sakauchi,
"Time-varying Intrinsic Images and its Application to
Video Surveillance,"
to appear in IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, 2003.
- R. Sagawa, K. Nishino and K. Ikeuchi,
"Robust and Adaptive Integration of Multiple Range
Images with Photometric Attributes,"
in IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems,
vol.J85-DII, no.12, pp1781-1790, Dec. 2002.
- K. Nishino and K. Ikeuchi,
"Robust Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Range Images
Comprising a Large Number of Points,"
in IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems,
vol.J85-DII, no.9, pp1413-1424, Sep., 2002.
- R. Kurazume, K. Nishino, M.D. Wheeler and K. Ikeuchi,
"Mapping Textures on 3D Geometric Model Using Reflectance
in IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems,
vol.J85-DII, no.6, pp1038-1046, Jun., 2002.
- K. Ikeuchi, R. Kurazume, K. Nishino, R. Sagawa, T. Oishi
and Y. Takase,
"Greate Buddha project -Digital Archive of Large-scale
Clutural Heritage-,"
in Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,
vol.7, no.1, pp103-113, Jan., 2002.
- K. Ikeuchi, Y. Sato, K. Nishino and I. Sato,
"Modeling from Reality: Photometric Aspect,"
in Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,
vol.4, no.4, pp623-630, Dec., 1999. [Best paper of the year]
- K.Nishino, I.Sato, Y.Sato and K.Ikeuchi
"Eigen-Texture Method: Appearance Compression and Synthesis
based on 3D Model for Mixed Reality,"
in IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems,
vol.J82-D-II, no.10, pp1793-1803, 1999.
Conference (Refereed)
- K. Nishino, K. Ikeuchi and Z. Zhang,
"Light Sources and Reflectance from a Sparse Set of
in Proc. of Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding 2002
MIRU '02,
vol.I, pp21-28, Jul., 2002. [Best Paper Award]
- R. Sagawa, K. Nishino, R. Kurazume and K. Ikeuchi,
"Geometric and Photometric Integration System for Large
in Proc. of Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding 2002
MIRU '02,
vol.I, pp11-20, Jul., 2002. [Best Paper Award]
- K. Hara, R.T. Tan, K. Nishino, A. Nakazawa and K. Ikeuchi,
"Light Source Position and Color Estimation from
a Single Color Image,"
in Proc. of Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding 2002
MIRU '02, vol.I, pp477-482, Jul., 2002.
- R. Kurazume, K. Nishino, Z. Zhang and K. Ikeuchi,
"Simultaneous texture alignment using reflectance image
and epipolar constraint,"
in Proc. of Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding 2002
MIRU '02,
vol.I, pp121-126, Jul., 2002.
- Y. Matsushita, K. Nishino, K. Ikeuchi and M. Sakauchi,
"Illumination eigenspace and its application for robust
video surveillance,"
in Proc. of Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding 2002
MIRU '02,
vol.I, pp253-260, Jul., 2002.
- K. Ikeuchi, A. Nakazawa, K. Nishino and K. Ogawara,
"Digital Archive of Cultural Heritage,"
in Proc. of Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding 2002
MIRU '02, vol.I, pp331-340, Jul., 2002.
- K.Nishino, Y.Sato, I.Sato and K.Ikeuchi,
"Eigen-Texture Method: Appearance Compression based on
3D Model,"
in Proc. of IPSJ Symposium Series MIRU '98,
vol.98, 10, ppI-19-I-26, Jul., 1998.
Conference (Unrefereed)
- K. Nishino, K. Hara, T. Takahashi, D. Miyazaki,
R.T. Tan and K. Ikeuchi,
"Image-based Photometric Analysis
-Towards The Digital Archive of Cultural Heritage-,"
in Proc. of SICE SI 2001, pp221-222, Dec., 2001.
- R. Kurazume, K. Nishino, R. Sagawa, T. Oishi and K. Ikeuchi
"Digital Archive of Cultural Properties:
Reconstruction of Geometric Models,"
in Proc. of SICE SI 2001, pp219-220, Dec., 2001.
- R. Kurazume, K. Nishino, R. Sagawa, T. Oishi, Y. Takase and
K. Ikeuchi
"The Great Buddha Project: Digital archive of large-scale
cultural heritage,"
in Proc. of IPSJ Jinmonkon 2001, Dec., 2001.
- R. Kurazume, T. Oishi, R. Sagawa, K. Nishino and K. Ikeuchi
"Great Buddha Project -Digital Archive of Cultural
Heritage through Observation-,"
in Proc. of The 19th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society
of Japan 2001, pp23-24, Sep., 2001.
- K.Nishino, Y.Sato and K.Ikeuchi,
"Appearance Compression based on 3D Model for
Mixed Reality,"
IPSJ 98-CVIM-110, vol.98, 26, pp33-40, Mar., 1998.